Thursday, 17 December 2015

Happy Holidays!

**parents if you have any empty wrapping paper tubes and or paper towel or toilet paper tubes. Please save them and send them to school on January 4! Kindergarten will recycle and reuse them for you. Thank you so much**

Dear Parents:

We have enjoyed being inspired by your children each and every day. Have a safe and happy holiday with your families and friends and we will see you in the new year!

Lisa Ly, Krispin Dei Cont & Trish Cvach


No school until Monday January 4 2016!

We will have one room volunteer in the AM and one in the PM. If you would like to volunteer in the classroom. Please send your e-mail contact to the volunteers below.

AM kindergarten:

PM kindergarten

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Gingerbread Order

Dear Mom and Dad:

We made our order for our gingerbread decorating tomorrow. I had to think about what color icing I will want, how many Smarties, jube jubes and chocolate chips. I had to write the number and then draw it on the gingerbread diagram. Ask me to tell you what color icing I will use.

It has been busy in kindergarten this week! Only one more sleep and then it’s the winter break!

PM: We had caroling this afternoon!

Pajama Day is tomorrow! 

Question of the day: If my gingerbread man has:
2 jubejubes
1 chocolate chip
3 smarties

How many candies total?



Kindergarten would like to thank Sarah for being our room volunteer coordinator. In the new year we will be having two new parents be our room volunteers!

We will have one room volunteer in the AM and one in the PM. If you would like to volunteer in the classroom. Please send your e-mail contact to the volunteers below.

AM kindergarten:

PM kindergarten

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Special Gift

Dear Mom and Dad:

Only 2 days left until the holidays! We have been busy as usual in kindergarten.

This week I will be bringing home a special gift for you. It is wrapped! You can wait until Christmas and put it under our the tree or open it whenever you want. Mrs. Monteith, our student teacher came up with this special project and has guided me through this. I hope you LOVE it!

AM kindergarten had caroling this morning and we listened to the grade ¾ tone chime group. We wrote in our journals today starting with the sentence: Dear Sparkle. I continue to work on drawing detailed pictures and labeling my pictures.

PM kindergarten had guest teachers today. Ask me to tell you what we did in our visual journals.

Question of the day: What was your favorite part of today?



Pajama Day on Thursday December 17!!!

Kindergarten would like to thank Sarah for being our room volunteer coordinator. In the new year we will be having two new parents be our room volunteers!

We will have one room volunteer in the AM and one in the PM. If you would like to volunteer in the classroom. Please send your e-mail contact to the volunteers below.

AM kindergarten:

PM kindergarten

Friday, 11 December 2015

Inside Out

Dear Mom and Dad of AM kindergarten:

The AM students watched the movie Inside Out today. We have been looking at the zones of regulation and my teachers are impressed at our understanding of our own and others’ feelings. The Zones of Regulation is a school wide understanding and I have been learning all about the different tools I can use to help stay or move to the green zone (happy).

A HUGE Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Families Helping Families project. The gifts were delivered to the school where the families attend. As a school we loaded over 12 vehicles jammed packed! You have all made a less fortunate family extremely grateful this holiday season.

Question of the day: Post on the blog what Sparkle our elf was doing today!

Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.



Pajama Day on Thursday December 17!!!

Gingerbread Decorating (please note the changes in red)

Over the next couple week until Winter Break we will be reading variations of the Gingerbread Man story.  On Thursday Dec. 17 we will be having pajama day and working on using what we know about combinations of 5 and decorating gingerbread people.  We would appreciate one parent volunteer from each class to assist with our decorating.  Please e-mail Sarah, our room volunteer ( if you are able to help out!

We will also need donations for the following items for EACH AM and PM team:

   22 x 3 gingerbread people for AM and 20 x 3 gingerbread people for PM
   1 x 6 large bag of peanut-free Smarties or M&Ms
   1 x 6 large bag of chocolate chips
   1 x 6 large bag of mini jujubes
   3 x 6 containers of white icing
   1 box of assorted food coloring (that will be enough for the entire triad AM and PM)

Bulk barn is a great place to get these materials!
There is no expectation whatsoever for gingerbread and icing to be homemade - we welcome whatever you are able to send.  Please contact if you are able to donate.  Thank you!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Elf's Me bag!

Dear Mom and Dad:

AM: Today was our very last day for WEE reads. Thank you to Centennial High School for their amazing work with our kids!

PM: Ask me to tell you about Santa’s Workshop center. We watched another performance today performed by some of the students in the peach wing. We have such talented students at Cranston! Ask me to tell you what it was about. In math we are learning about how to represent numbers 1-5. Ask me to tell you what I did in my visual journals.

Our Elf brought in her very own ME bag today! It was so tiny with such tiny things. Also, ask me about what the seeds turned into that she left for us. 

Question of the day: Post on the blog what we know about our elf from her ME bag??



AM kindergarten attends tomorrow

Pajama Day on Thursday December 17!!!

Gingerbread Decorating (please note the changes in red)

Over the next couple week until Winter Break we will be reading variations of the Gingerbread Man story.  On Thursday Dec. 17 we will be having pajama day and working on using what we know about combinations of 5 and decorating gingerbread people.  We would appreciate one parent volunteer from each class to assist with our decorating.  Please e-mail Sarah, our room volunteer ( if you are able to help out!

We will also need donations for the following items for EACH AM and PM team:

   22 x 3 gingerbread people for AM and 20 x 3 gingerbread people for PM
   1 x 6 large bag of peanut-free Smarties or M&Ms
   1 x 6 large bag of chocolate chips
   1 x 6 large bag of mini jujubes
   3 x 6 containers of white icing
   1 box of assorted food coloring (that will be enough for the entire triad AM and PM)

Bulk barn is a great place to get these materials!
There is no expectation whatsoever for gingerbread and icing to be homemade - we welcome whatever you are able to send.  Please contact if you are able to donate.  Thank you!