Monday, 18 January 2016


*We are planning to go on a winter community walk on Wednesday January 20. We will need parent volunteers in the AM and the PM.


AM walk:  9:00am-10:00am

PM walk: 12:30pm-1:30pm


If you would like to volunteer please e-mail


(AM) Sarah:

(PM) Lindsay:


Dear Mom and Dad:


We have been talking a lot about what goal setting means. Thank you for helping me complete my homework in my Friday books on the weekend! Today we shared with each other what our goal is for the week. We talked about how we will know that we achieved the goal. Today we worked on a few CLASS goals. These are goals that we are trying to achieve as a class in the day. Ask me to tell you what some of our class goals were.


Question of the day: Post on the blog a goal that you can complete tomorrow at school.







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