Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Field trip information

Sorry we didn’t have a blog entry yesterday. The next blog entry will be on Thursday evening after all classes have been to the field-trip!

Please carefully read through the bird sanctuary fieldtrip information form. Please also ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. A hat is a good idea and layers of clothing as we will be inside as well as outside for the day. Parents please note that we will have 3 different times during the day for snack. With this in mind, please pack your child’s snack accordingly. For example, if you are packing a sandwich, you can cut in half so they will have one half at one time in the day and the other at a bit

AM class: We will go to the bird sanctuary on Wednesday April 6 ALL DAY from 8:15am – 2:57pm. Dismissal will be at the red gym doors on the compound (where we get dismissed on Fridays)
There is NO SCHOOL for AM class on Thursday April 7.

PM class: We will go to the bird sanctuary on Thursday April 7 ALL DAY from 8:15am – 2:58pm. Dismissal will be at our regular dismissal door.
There is NO SCHOOL for PM class on Wednesday April 6. PM class has school on Friday April 8.

We have a “Kids’s Move” gymnastics program in the gym this week and next week. Students are required to remove their shoes and socks. Parents please send your child in loose clothing so that it is easier for them to move around. Please avoid stockings, as these will take long to take off and put back on. Thank you for your help with this. If your child has long hair, please tie it in a ponytail as well. Thank you.

Question of the day: What are you most excited about for the field trip to the bird sanctuary?