Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Special Gift

Dear Mom and Dad:

Only 2 days left until the holidays! We have been busy as usual in kindergarten.

This week I will be bringing home a special gift for you. It is wrapped! You can wait until Christmas and put it under our the tree or open it whenever you want. Mrs. Monteith, our student teacher came up with this special project and has guided me through this. I hope you LOVE it!

AM kindergarten had caroling this morning and we listened to the grade ¾ tone chime group. We wrote in our journals today starting with the sentence: Dear Sparkle. I continue to work on drawing detailed pictures and labeling my pictures.

PM kindergarten had guest teachers today. Ask me to tell you what we did in our visual journals.

Question of the day: What was your favorite part of today?



Pajama Day on Thursday December 17!!!

Kindergarten would like to thank Sarah for being our room volunteer coordinator. In the new year we will be having two new parents be our room volunteers!

We will have one room volunteer in the AM and one in the PM. If you would like to volunteer in the classroom. Please send your e-mail contact to the volunteers below.

AM kindergarten:

PM kindergarten