Wednesday, 9 December 2015

KBC and Christmas performance

Dear Mom and Dad:

We had an amazing concert last night! Thank you for your support.

Ask me to tell you about the letter V and what I sketched in my journals today! Ask me to tell you about our elf as well and where she has been hiding.

AM: We have some new centers! Ask me to tell you about Santa’s work shop, card making and gingerbread man hunt. We learned what a KBC circle is. KBC stands for Knowledge Building Circle. The students described how they felt after participating in a KBC circle and one of the words was “peaceful”. During a KBC circle, we are sitting in a circle and there is only one person that speaks at a time. Ask me to tell you how we know who is able to speak. After the person is done speaking, I put my hand out into the circle (not up) to show that I would like to contribute and say something in the circle. During this time, my teachers are observing and taking anecdotal notes. We are the ones in charge!

"I made a hockey stick!" - Zach

Mane wrapping a gift with tissue and ribbon.

"I am being Santas helper by check marking what gifts have been made" -Emily

PM: We watched a performance today performed by some of the students in hope and harmony wing. We have such talented students at Cranston! Ask me to tell you what it was about.

Building with dinosaurs!

Question of the day: What words start with V?



Pajama Day on Thursday December 17!!!

Gingerbread Decorating (please note the changes in red)

Over the next couple week until Winter Break we will be reading variations of the Gingerbread Man story.  On Thursday Dec. 17 we will be having pajama day and working on using what we know about combinations of 5 and decorating gingerbread people.  We would appreciate one parent volunteer from each class to assist with our decorating.  Please e-mail Sarah, our room volunteer ( if you are able to help out!

We will also need donations for the following items for EACH AM and PM team:

   22 x 3 gingerbread people for AM and 20 x 3 gingerbread people for PM
   1 x 6 large bag of peanut-free Smarties or M&Ms
   1 x 6 large bag of chocolate chips
   1 x 6 large bag of mini jujubes
   3 x 6 containers of white icing
   1 box of assorted food coloring (that will be enough for the entire triad AM and PM)

Bulk barn is a great place to get these materials!
There is no expectation whatsoever for gingerbread and icing to be homemade - we welcome whatever you are able to send.  Please contact if you are able to donate.  Thank you!