Thursday, 3 March 2016

Today is Thursday!

Dear Mom and Dad:

AM: We worked with guest teachers today. Ask me to tell you what I did with Dash and Dot! 

PM: This morning we used oil pastels! Ask me to tell you what these are like. We created a pattern using the pastels.

Question of the day: What is a pattern?



AM attends tomorrow

PM parents, please note that we start letting the Kindergarten students in at 12 pm. Please arrive at 11:55 am. This will prevent you from sending your child through the front door as you will be asked to go around to the kindergarten door before 12:06pm. Doors lock at 12:06 pm after the rest of the school enters. Thank you.

We will be welcoming parents to the school for our second round of Student Led Learning Walks. This time, we will be showcasing work from Kindergarten to Grade 4 related to the common theme ‘Mathematics with Literature connections’.  The purpose of Student Led Learning Walks is to make learning visible for everyone as we share what the goals, words and expectations of curriculum look like as they come alive across all grade levels.
·         If your child’s last name begins with letter from A - L please attend on Wednesday, March 9th 6:00 -7:30 pm.

·         If your child’s last name begins with the letter from M -  Z please attend on Thursday, March 10th from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm. 

·         If you are unable to make it on the assigned evening you are welcome to change nights.