Thursday, 31 March 2016

Anything is Possible!

Dear Mom and Dad:

Today Mrs. Kinsman read a book to us called “Anything is Possible!” Ask me to tell you what the book was about

We looked at some of the live camera feeds of owls. Ask me to tell you what I noticed!

AM: Ask me to tell you what we did with Mrs. Southworth this morning.

PM: we did some math today by showing what two numbers make 10. Ask me to tell you what two numbers make 10. I represented my learning by gluing a certain umber of colored feathers on my owl to represent the two numbers.  Ask me to tell you about “What time is it Mrs. Owl” in gym today! It was so much fun.

Question of the week: Post on the blog what you noticed when we watched the owl live cams.



Please carefully read through the bird sanctuary fieldtrip information form. Parents please note that we will have 3 different times during the day for snack. With this in mind, please pack your child’s snack accordingly. For example, if you are packing a sandwich, you can cut in half so they will have one half at one time in the day and the other at a bit

AM class: We will go to the bird sanctuary on Wednesday April 6 ALL DAY from 8:15am – 2:57pm. Dismissal will be at the red gym doors on the compound (where we get dismissed on Fridays)
There is NO SCHOOL for AM class on Thursday April 7.

PM class: We will go to the bird sanctuary on Thursday April 7 ALL DAY from 8:15am – 2:58pm. Dismissal will be at our regular dismissal door.

There is NO SCHOOL for PM class on Wednesday April 6. PM class has school on Friday April 8.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Owl pellets

Dear mom and dad:

What an exciting day in kindergarten! Mrs. Monteith brought in some owl pellets and we dissected one together! Ask me to tell you what an owl pellet is! We were scientists today and sketched in our journals what we saw and wrote about what we noticed.

During centers, we had a chance to look at all of the different bones and try to guess which part of the animal the bone was. So cool!

We have more new centers today! Ask me to tell you what they are.

We also looked at problem solving in math.

Question of the day: how many legs are in your house? Post on the blog your answer and how you figured it out. 




Our fieldtrip to the bird sanctuary is next week! Please review the letter that came home with the forms. It is an ALL DAY fieldtrip which means that your child will not come to school on a certain day.

AM fieldtrip: Wednesday April 6 8:15-2:57pm (entry at regular doors. Dismissal at red gym doors that we dismiss on Fridays). No school on Thursday April 7.

PM fieldtrip: Thursday April 7 8:15-2:57pm (entrance and dismissal at regular door). No school on Wednesday April 6.

Please note that your child will need to bring a snack and lunch. We have snack time 3 times throughout the day with only 15 minute increments. Please keep this in mind when packing your child's lunch. For example, a snack for the morning, a sandwich cut in two halves so they can have one half at lunch, and then eat the other half in the afternoon.

Looking at owl pellets


Tuesday, 29 March 2016

5 little owls

Dear Mom and Dad:

Welcome back!! We hop everyone had a great spring break.

Today Mrs.Monteith taught us a poem called "5 Little Owls". I am beginning to learn it and can recite it to you in the next couple of weeks! Ask me to tell you about some of the new centers

AM: we reviewed friendly numbers to 10. Ask me to tell you what 2 numbers can make 10. We represented our learning today by using 2 different colour feathers to show 10. I glued the feathers onto my owl. This was a great way for my teacher to see my understanding. I should be able to tell you two numbers that make 10 and show you with my fingers or objects around the house. I should also be able to write the numbers 1-10 as well. 

PM: ask me to tell you about dot and dash! We used our knowledge about it to go on a mini scavenger hunt. I am working in groups to do this and am learning what it means to take turns and share. 

Question of the day: 2 new centres were introduced today. Post on the blog at least what one of them was.


Saturday, 19 March 2016

Thank you

Dear Parents:

It is always a pleasure to get the opportunity to sit down with you and share the great successes your child has had thus far. We are so lucky to have such a supportive parent community.  Your child inspires us each and everyday. Studies have shown that when children see that their families are involved in their learning, they are much more successful and have the confidence to want to keep on learning!

Have a wonderful break and we will see you on Tuesday March 29!


Lisa, Krispin & Trish

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Last day before SPRING BREAK!

Dear Mom and Dad:

Both classes had dance today with Mrs. Janelle.

AM kindergarten: We worked on math this morning by making 10! Ask me to tell you what 2 numbers make 10. I had to show my learning in my visual journals today by drawing two different colors on a 10 frame and demonstrating what I know about 10.

PM kindergarten: We did buddy reading today with Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Zwack’s class. They are in grade ¾! Ask me to tell you what story we read with our buddies.

Question of the week: What are your plans for spring break?



Parent conferences are tomorrow and Friday. We like forward to seeing you.

There is NO SCHOOL until Tuesday March 29. Have a great spring break!

Forms that were due this week:

-       Kid’s Move gymnastics (purple)
-       Swimming (blue)

**If you have forgotten the forms, please bring them to parent conferences. Thank you!

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Alexander and the terrible, no good, very bad day

Dear Mom and Dad:

It was pajama day!! We read a book called "Alexander and the Terrible, no good, very bad day". Ask me to tell you what the book was about.

Last day of school before spring break is tomorrow. There is no school on Thursday and Friday because of parent conferences. 

Question of the day: what was one of your favourite parts in the movie?



Monday, 14 March 2016

D.E.A.R. day

Dear Mom and Dad:

We wrote in our visual journals today. We talked about self assessment and had a discussion about what my work should look like. At this stage in kindergarten to have “I did it!” work. I should have:

-       a detailed picture
-       attempt at doing some kid writing. For example: I wt = I went
-       labeling of my pictures
-       using more then 3 colors to color my picture
-       My drawing matches my writing

Today was D.E.A.R. day which meant that throughout the day we had to “drop everything and read” when we heard the special chime!

Question of the day: Post on the blog what the book was about today that you read during D.E.A.R.



White fieldtrip forms went home today for the bird sanctuary. Please read, fill out and return this week. Thank you

Tomorrow is Pajama day!

Friday, 11 March 2016

Owl Inquiry

Dear Mom and Dad of PM Kindergarten :

Thank you to those who returned their Friday books today with your wonders about ladybugs and owls.  We know lots of you were busy last night so if you didn’t get a chance to look at the Friday book, you can return it on Monday.

We looked at all of the wonders and knowledge that you know. We are very excited to learn more about owls. We wrote in our journals today. Ask me to tell you what I wrote about! 

We had an assembly today. What a wonderful message it was: Be a buddy, not a bully. Thank you Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Handelsman’s grade ½ and grade ¾ classes!

Question of the day:  We would like to name some of the Owls that we have been tracking live! We have been following the two barn owls and a great horned owl! Post on the blog ideas you have for names for the 3 owls.

Barn Owls

Great Horned Owl



Next week is Read-a-thon week.
On Monday is D.E.A.R day – bring your favorite book and keep it on you at all times. We will drop everything and read at certain times in the day!

On Tuesday – PJ day!!

Thursday, 10 March 2016


Sorry for another late post! We were busy again at the second night our Student Led Learning Walks. It was so nice seeing everyone and having your child share their learning of math with you! 

Dear Mom and Dad:

We have been talking a lot about owls. In a few weeks, we will be going to the bird sanctuary to participate in a lady bug and owl program. We read a book called White Owl, Barn Owl. Today we looked at live web cams of owls! Check this out!

Question of the day: Post on the blog something new you learned about owls today.



PM kindergarten attends tomorrow. Please complete you Friday books if possible.