Thursday 9 June 2016

3D shapes

Soccer is done this week! AM parents, we will be dismissing at the regular Friday doors (red gym door) tomorrow.

Dear Mom and Dad:

We had our last day of soccer residency today. What a great program! I have learned a lot this week about coordination, dribbling, focus and team work.

AM class: we worked with our guest teachers today. Ask me to tell you what kind of drawing I did in my visual journals.

PM class: Ask me to tell you about 3D shapes! I can tell you what a sphere, cylinder, cube, cone and a pyramid is. Ask me to find things around the house the represent these shapes. We worked on our Barbra Reid art. I can’t wait to show it to you at our Celebration of learning on Thursday June 23. Please mark it in your calendars!

Question of the day for AM and PM: post on the blog some 3D shapes that you saw and tell us what they are. For example: pop can = cylinder.




AM class has school tomorrow

Celebration of learning – Thursday June 23. This will be in our classroom where you could come with your child and they will share their art in the classroom.


  1. Hannah D said a jar is like a cylinder, my ice cream cone is a cone, and my ball is a sphere.

  2. Makayla says a Circle is a sphere and a square is an Ice Cube!

  3. Rowan says a cup is a cylinder

  4. A sponge is a rectangle.

  5. A soccer ball is a sphere. A paint can is a cylinder. An Egyptian pyramid is a pyramid. A sugar cube is a cube. A birthday hat is a cone. Caroline

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A tin can is a cylinder, a ball is a sphere, dice are cubes.

  8. A dice is a cube, a ball is a sphere and a water bottle is a cylinder -Oliver
