Tuesday, 22 September 2015

I am unique and Terry Fox

Dear Mom and Dad:

Today I worked with Mrs. Tuli, Mrs. Southworth and Mrs. Jones. We continued to work on self portraits and what makes us unique. I am beginning to look more closely at my features and celebrate how I am unique.

PM kindergarten: We had our very first assembly today. Ask me to tell you what the assembly was all about (Terry Fox). Ask me to tell you one thing that I know about Terry Fox and ask me to tell you some of the things I wonder.

*PM kindergarten parents: Please note that we will dismiss from the gym doors which is just on the side of the compound. We understand that there is heavy traffic at the end of the day and want to make sure that our kindies get out quickly and safely. Please note that this is only for dismissal at 2:58 not for entry. 

Question of the day: What was your favorite activity at school today?



“Meet the Teacher” night is this Thursday evening. If you have not signed up for a time, please cCLICK HERE to sign up.

Please note that there could be about 20 families in the room at any given time. This evening is set up in a way for your child to show you some of their work that they have been working on and for you to see the classroom. This is also a great opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher and to share anything you would like about your child to their teacher. It is not a private conference.

There is no school this Friday because of PD day.

We are planning to go on a COMMUNITY WALK on Thursday October 1.

The AM class will go from 9:00am-10:00am
The PM class will go from 1:00pm-2:00pm

We will need at least 9 volunteers in the AM and 8 volunteers in the PM.
If you are able to join us please e-mail your child’s teacher and we will coordinate. 


  1. Gym. I played in the playground. - Eduard

  2. My favourite activity was drawing myself.

  3. My favourite activity was playing !!

  4. My favourite activity today was the assembly about Terry Fox. I had lots of questions for my mom about prosthetic limbs!!! Max

  5. My favorite activity was the Terry Fox assembly.

  6. My favorite activity was reading the book about being different.

  7. ali's favourite activity was the assembly about terry fox.

  8. Hannah D said her favourite activity was art work

  9. Noah's favourite part was snack time!

  10. my favourite was coloring my name.

  11. Jackson liked learning about Terry Fox, and talked about running all the way across Canada!

  12. Playing on the park.
    Jaxon LeBlanc
